Future Card Buddyfight Wiki
The translations given here are not yet official.
Ghost Train
English Ghost Train
Kanji 幽霊電車
Kana ゆうれいでんしゃ
Romaji Yūrei Densha
Type Event
Series GeGeGe no Kitaro
Attribute Destruction / Move
Illust Ⓒ水木プロ・フジテレビ・東映アニメーション
Flavor Text
TBT: 鬼太郎「あの世であなたを待っているあなたを恨んでいる人たちが痺れをきらせてあなたを迎えにきたんですよ」「早くあの世にこい地獄に堕ちろと……」
Ability / Effect
You may only cast this card if a 《Yokai》 is on your field.
[Cast Cost] [Pay 1 gauge & Drop the top three cards of your deck]
[Counter] Choose and use one of the following two.
Destroy a card on your opponent's field.
• Return a card on your opponent's field to hand.
Legal Status
EN: Unlimited
JP: Unlimited
TH: Unlimited
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