Future Card Buddyfight Wiki

One of the 72 Pillars; 32

The 72 Pillars are made up of deities who have lost their people, or angels who had been despised because they loved mankind too deeply.

—Demon Realm Warrior, Zepar's flavor

"72 Pillars" (72はしら 72 hashira) is an attribute given to cards named after the 72 demons of the Ars Goetia. They are mostly from Magic World.

Sets with 72 Pillars Cards[]


72 Pillars mainly rely on rush tactics, often with size 1 Monsters and occasionally reduce Sizes to always have 3 attackers on the field, and sometimes use abilities to call monsters during the Attack Phase to do potentially more than 3 attacks in one turn.

Because their monsters tend to be low powered, they use a large variety of effects that can get rid of obstacles that their weaker monsters would struggle to take down on their own. They also have many "on-call" abilities and effects that return monsters to the hand and reuse those abilities.

List of 72 Pillars Cards[]

Danger World[]


Size 1[]

Magic World[]





Size 0[]
Size 1[]
Size 2[]
Size 3[]

Impact Monsters[]

Size 2[]
Size 3[]

List of 72 Pillars Support Cards[]

List of Attributes

???72 Pillars

Absolute SwordAcademyAcolyteAdventurerAfterglowAIAlchemistAngel DragonArcherArmordragonArmorknightArtAsgardAssassinAssassinationAssist WeaponAssistantAstrodragonAutodeity ArmyAvatar

BandBardBattle AuraBattle BuildingBattle Deity RoboBattleshipBio-LabBlack DragonBlack KnightBlack OrganizationBlacksmithBlade BeastBladedancerBlue DragonBody BlowBraveBrave MachineBuddyBuddy LabBuddyfightBuddyfight AceBuddyfight Channel

CaseCatChaosChargeChessChoco CornetCityClassComputerConstructCoolCosmo DragoonCounterCreationCrew TrooperCrusaderCurse DragonCute

DancerDangerous VeggiesDarkdeity DragonDarkheroDarknessDark BurialDarkvenom DragonDeathDeepDefenseDeityDeity Dragon TribeDemon LordDemon SlayDemon WayDemonic BeastDestructionDetectiveDimension DragonDiriver UFODisasterDoramDrago Phantom ThiefDragodDrametalDragonDragon Chief EmperorDragon KnightDragon LordDragonarmsDragonblood SectDragonmanDrawDuel DragonDuel GolemDungeon EnemyDungeon Master

E - F
EarthElectrodeityEmpyreal CorpsEnhanceEvil Deity DragonEvil Demonic DragonExcelbladeExecutionersExtra TurnFairyFamiliarFBIFireFire DragonFire PowerFlame DragonFriesFolktaleFuurinkazan

Galaxy Defense TeamGalaxy ExaltGaugeGenesis DragonGeniusGetGhostGlassesGodGodpunkGold/Golden DragonGraduate StudentGreen DragonGridman AllianceGuardians

H - I - J - K
HamburgerHeroHello, Happy World!High School StudentHomemade Buddy Battle VideosHomunculusHumanHundred DemonsHunterIdolJapanese BladeJunior Detective LeagueKabutoKaijuKaratekaKidoshuKingKnightKnights of the BloodKushikatsuKuwagata

L - M
LandLaughing CoffinLegendLegend DragonLightLinkdragon OrderLostvaderMageMagic PowerMascotMAX DragonMedabotMedalMedawatchMerchantMessiah ArmsMobile Aerial TeamMonkMoonlit Black CatsMoveMVPMVP CardMystic Knight

N - O
NeodragonNeon Genesis Junior High StudentNew SeriesNinjaNinja ArtsNoviceNullOfficial Strongest SupporterOlympusOni Assassin

P - Q - R
PassionPastel*PalettesPearPersonnelPhantom ThiefPlaguePoppin'PartyPriestPrism DragonPrism CrecerProfessorPublic Security BureauPuddingQuartet FiveRaging SpiritsResearcherRecoveryRed DragonRide-ChangerRO CardRobotRogueRoseliaRune

SageScientistSecret SwordShadow DragonShadow ShadeShieldShinsengumiSkull WarriorSoldierSpecialSpellStaffStarSummonSummonerSunSun DragonSuper RobotSuper WarriorSuperheroSuperheroineSwampSwordsman

T - U - V - W - Y
TakoyakiTarotTeam GMTerrainThat GirlThiefThunderThunder EmpireTime DragonTinpetToiletTrapTV AnimeTyrantUndeadVR MachineVRMMORPGWarriorWaterWeaponWeaponryWestern YokaiWhite DragonWild DragonWindWizardWizardryWydar SarkalYokai

List of Attributes (New Drive)
12 Zodiacs72 PillarsAdventurerArmordragonArmorknightBattle AuraBlack DragonBlue DragonBuddyChessConstellationCounterCreationDarknessDefenseDemon WayDestructionDog Zodiac, KizuneDragonDragon KnightDragon LordDragon ZodiacDrawDuel DragonDungeon EnemyEarthElementEnhanceFireFire PowerGeniusGoat ZodiacGold DragonGreen DragonHare ZodiacHeroHorse ZodiacJapanese BladeKnightLandLegendLightMagic PowerMonkMoveNinjaNinja ArtsOx ZodiacParty of BravesRat ZodiacRecoveryRed DragonSecret SwordSKaRDSkull WarriorSnake ZodiacSoldierSummonTeam GMThiefTiger ZodiacTrapWarriorWarrior of LightWaterWeaponWild DragonWindWizardWhite Dragon