"Adventurer" (
Sets Containing Adventurer Cards[]
- Booster Set 3: Drum's Adventures
- D Extra Booster 1: Buddyfight Collection
- H Booster Set 3: Assault of the Omni Lords
- H Extra Booster 1: Miracle Impack!
- H Extra Booster 3: Lord of Hundred Thunders
- Perfect Pack 1: Golden Buddy Pack (ver.E)
- Trial Deck 4: Braves Explosion
- D Extra Booster 1: Buddyfight Collection
- D Booster Set Alternative 1: Buddy Rave
- D Booster Set Alternative 2: Four Dimensions
- D Booster Set 4: Shine! Super Sun Dragon!!
- D Climax Booster: Dragon Fighters
- X Booster Set Alternative 3: LVL Up! Heroes & Adventurers!
- X Booster Set 4: Rainbow Striker
- X Climax Booster: Driven to Disorder
- X2 Booster Set 1: Buddy Legends
- X2 Booster Set Alternative 1: Solar Strife
- X Trial Deck 3: Thunderous Warlords Alliance
- ND Trial Deck 4: Braves Explosion (TH)
The adventurers activate their effects when Link Attacking with another Adventurer, giving the player a large amount of advantage. They use the Mission cards as support, offering rewards for achieving certain conditions.
List of Adventurer Cards[]
Dungeon World[]
- Full Strash Formation
- This Strike, Shall Determine the Fate of the World!
- Phoenix Radiation!
- Dead End Crush!
- Brave's Sword, Soma Sword
- Awakened Brave's Equipment, Glory Seeker
- Thunder Knights Blade, Ktinos Edge
- Tempest Shield, Draco Guard
- Origin Blade, Enemy Breaker
- Conquering Blade, Dungeon Domination
- Flash Lance, Blitz Tiger
- Savage Lance, Eisen Tiger
- Shield of Glory, Order Guard
- Sword of Glory, Order Edge
- Staff of Polarization, Kaleidobane
- Trap Maker
- Adventurer's Staff, Alcsbane
- Thunder Beast Spear, Bestia
- Wind Scaled Spear, Eskamal
- Magical Beast Tamer Flute, G'boy
- Brave Equipment, Glory Seeker
- Dragon Vanquishing Sword, Dragonslayer
- Magic Sword, Etherstorm
- Trap Maker "Re:B"
Size 0[]
- Princess of the Azure Skies, Ku
- Apprentice Sister, Hanako
- Vampire, Shura
- Weaver of Dream and Fate, Miko
- Shining Up!! Hanako
- Empress, Queen Ageha
- Archaic Weapon Pilot, Dash
- Masked Swordsman, Kiri
- Suspicious Craftsman, Gara
- Dispatcher from Assassin Circle, Sakate
Size 1[]
- Missile Magician, Addrick
- Princes from the East, Zanya & Akatsuki
- Friends of the Braves, Baku & Kuguru
- Protector of Fate, Tasuku
- Armored Knights Leader, Genesis
- Guild Guider, Tsurugi & Stella
- Battle Master, Ban
- Battle Hyena, Dolz
- Overturn Knight, El Quixote
- Treasure Hunter, Paruko
- Master Thief, Strohl Bird
- Knight of Victory Odds, Vict
- Knight of Glory, El Quixote
- Co-starring of Dreams!? Noboru & Capsuke
- Wandering Knight, Roy
- Eating Caplico, Noboru
- Apprentice Knight, Ruu
- Caprico Life! Noboru
- Magical Beast Tamer, Kazane
- Tempting Trickster, Iyan
- Perforating Trickster, Pitt
- Smily Street Entertainer, Yuga
- Elusive Clown, Ranma
- Perspicacious Astrologer, Subaru
- Champion of Arena, Rouga
- Bandit Leader of Bonds, Masato
- Jet Black Grim Reaper, Gaito
- Assassin, "Godly-speed Criticizing" Kirwa
- Fighting Soldier, Brutal
- Pure White Angel, Eden
- Sweet Dream Patissiere, Mel
- Infinitude Sword Sage, Keisetsu
- Province Baron, Shido
- Legendary Messiah, Tasuku
- White Silver Great Warrior, Quenzwei
- Tactful Knight, Arron
- Loaned Possession Knight, Jake
- Swordsman of the East, Zanya
- Apprentice Ninja, Akatsuki
- Knight of Tender Love, Philia
- Knight of Thunder Tale, Nils
- Mysterious Fortune Teller, Sofia
- Black Knight of Clarity, El Quixote
- Sister Guiltina
- Noble Magician, Suzuha
- Dancing Magician, Tetsuya
- Omni Lords' Loyal Knight, El Quixote
- Fist Fighter of Blistering Kicks, Kanata
- Fledgling Warrior, Ocker Glaser
- Scout, Criticizing Kirwa
- Dark Black Knight, Gaito
- The Tempestuous Brave, Gao
- Former Province Baron, Shido
- Legendary Brave, Tasuku
- Master Clown, Dark Fox
- Dragonblade Wielding Sheila Vanna
- Sage, Kuguru
- Purgatory Demonic Swordsman
- Gossip Burglar, Paruko
- Chivalrous Thief of Justice, Mukuro
- Death Summoner, Kageura
- Merchant of Darkness, Jin
- Brave of the Sun, Yota
- Thunder Sky's Holy Knight, El Quixote
- Thunder Warrior, Ocker Glaser
- Young Pope, Alex
- Drunkard Mentor, El Quixote
Size 2[]
- Magical Fortress, Orser Kleinz
- Three Knights of Konoe, Nano-Guardians
- Tutor of the Four Deities, Suzaku
- Shadow Wielder, Wataru
- Demon Lord of Rebellion, Rebellious
- Decorated Knight, El Quixote
- Monk of Bread Deity, Prios
- Seeker of Knight's Way, El Quixote
- Purge Knight, Vlad Dracula
- Revolution Knight, Rebellious
- Baptism Knight, Kamil
- Dragon Wing Knight, Dragon Gard
- Reminiscence Holy Knight, Kamil
- Remote Trickster, Lone Remote
- Twin-fanged Knight, Versellia
- Anonymous Darkness Doctor, Grimoire
- Blue Knight, Noboru
- Neo Braver, Ars Grande
- Revenger, Ikazuchi
- Triumphal Knight, El Quixote
- Brave, Drum
- Shadow Break Knight, Leonid
- Legendary Warrior, Gao
- Immortal Sword Sage, Shosetsu
- Knight of Daybreak, Neoswadel
- Master Monk, Suzumi
- Craftsman, Baku
- Windmill Knight, Noboru
- Mikazuchi Knight, Rebellious
- Vagabond, Munechika
- Silver Warrior, Quenzwei
- Returning Brave, Drum
- Remote Trickster, Lone Remote "Re:B"
Size 3[]
- Demon Knight of Destruction, Fold Break
- Blood Lance Doyenne, Lady Wallachia
- Brave of the Sun, Gao
- Great Pirate, Captain Kaido
- Archbishop, Genma
- Traveling Mage Duo, Tetsuya & Asmodai
- Wandering Salaryman Buddyfighter, Amigo★Takata
- CHAOS Orser Kleinz
Impact Monsters[]
Size 2[]
Dungeon World[]
- Conquering Blade, Dungeon Domination (New Drive)
- Origin Blade, Enemy Breaker (New Drive)
- Brave Equipment, Glory Seeker (New Drive)
- Dragon Vanquishing Sword, Dragonslayer (New Drive)
Size 1[]
- Master Thief, Strohl Bird (New Drive)
- Fledgling Warrior, Ocker Glaser (New Drive)
- Sage, Kuguru (New Drive)
- Legendary Brave, Tasuku (New Drive)
- Dancing Magician, Tetsuya (New Drive)
- Missile Magician, Addrick (New Drive)
- Scout, Criticizing Kirwa (New Drive)
Size 2[]
List of Adventurer Support Cards[]
Dungeon World[]
- Continue!
- Gummy Slime Shield
- Hawkeye
- Mission Card "Defeat Monsters!"
- Mission Card "Form a Party!"
- Mission Card "Rest at Nazaro Hot Springs!"
- Mission Card "THE Teamwork"
- Trap Room
Size 1[]
- Battle Master, Ban (Dungeon/Ancient)
- Brave of the Sun, Yota (Dungeon/Dragon)
- Boundless Sword Sage, Keisetsu (Dungeon/Legend)
- Dancing Magician, Tetsuya
- Dragonblade Wielding Sheila Vanna
- Drunkard Mentor, El Quixote (Dungeon/Dragon)
- Fledgling Warrior, Ocker Glaser
- Former Province Baron, Shido (Dungeon/Darkness Dragon)
- Knight of Glory, El Quixote
- Knight of Thunder Tale, Nils
- Legendary Brave, Tasuku
- Master Clown, Dark Fox (Dungeon/Katana)
- Missile Magician, Addrick
- Phantom Clown, Ranma (Dungeon/Dragon)
- Platinum Great Warrior, Quenzwei
- Sage, Kuguru
- Scout, Criticizing Kirwa
- Sweet Dream Patissiere, Mel
- Swordsman of the East, Zanya
- Tactful Knight, Arron
- The Tempestuous Brave, Gao (Dungeon/Dragon)
- Treasure Hunter, Paruko
Size 2[]
- Bladewing Phoenix "Re:B"
- Craftsman, Baku
- Immortalized Wings of Divinity, Bladewing Phoenix
- Magical Fortress, Orser Kleinz
- Master Monk, Suzumi
- Purge Knight, Vlad Dracula
- Anonymous Darkness Doctor, Grimoire (Dungeon/Magic)
- Silver Warrior, Quenzwei
- Sister Guiltina
- Windmill Knight, Noboru (Dungeon/Dragon)
Size 3[]
- Great Pirate, Captain Kaido (Dungeon/Ancient)
Impact Monsters[]
Size 2[]
Dungeon World[]
- Mission Card "Party Formed!" (New Drive)
- Mission Card "Defeat Monsters!" (New Drive)
- Continue! (New Drive)
- Mission Card "Rest at Nazaro Hot Springs!" (New Drive)
Size 1[]
- Master Thief, Strohl Bird (New Drive)
- Fledgling Warrior, Ocker Glaser (New Drive)
- Sage, Kuguru (New Drive)
- Legendary Brave, Tasuku (New Drive)
- Dancing Magician, Tetsuya (New Drive)
- Missile Magician, Addrick (New Drive)
- Scout, Criticizing Kirwa (New Drive)
Size 2[]
List of Attributes (New Drive) |
12 Zodiacs ● 72 Pillars ● Adventurer ● Armordragon ● Armorknight ● Battle Aura ● Black Dragon ● Blue Dragon ● Buddy ● Chess ● Constellation ● Counter ● Creation ● Darkness ● Defense ● Demon Way ● Destruction ● Dog Zodiac, Kizune ● Dragon ● Dragon Knight ● Dragon Lord ● Dragon Zodiac ● Draw ● Duel Dragon ● Dungeon Enemy ● Earth ● Element ● Enhance ● Fire ● Fire Power ● Genius ● Goat Zodiac ● Gold Dragon ● Green Dragon ● Hare Zodiac ● Hero ● Horse Zodiac ● Japanese Blade ● Knight ● Land ● Legend ● Light ● Magic Power ● Monk ● Move ● Ninja ● Ninja Arts ● Ox Zodiac ● Party of Braves ● Rat Zodiac ● Recovery ● Red Dragon ● Secret Sword ● SKaRD ● Skull Warrior ● Snake Zodiac ● Soldier ● Summon ● Team GM ● Thief ● Tiger Zodiac ● Trap ● Warrior ● Warrior of Light ● Water ● Weapon ● Wild Dragon ● Wind ● Wizard ● White Dragon |