Future Card Buddyfight Wiki
Wishing for battles likening the underworld, the fallen warriors of other worlds become the savage warrior known as 《Black Knights》.

Black Knight, Hell Rapier's flavor

H-BT04-0006EN (Sample)

"Black Knight"(くろ Kuro Kishi) is an attribute currently unique to Darkness Dragon World.


The playstyle of the early Black Knights was mainly to support the larger 《Deep》 attribute, primarily through manipulation of the Penetrate ability. As of HBT04, the attribute gained specific support, and shifted to a deck that uses the buddy mechanic to make several members more powerful when treated as your buddy. To assist the execution of this playstyle, support cards exist allowing multiple Black Knights to be treated as a buddy at once.

List of Sets containing Black Knight cards[]

List of Black Knight cards[]

Darkness Dragon World[]



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Impact Monsters[]

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List of Black Knight Support Cards[]

Darkness Dragon World[]



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Impact Monsters[]

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List of Attributes

???72 Pillars

Absolute SwordAcademyAcolyteAdventurerAfterglowAIAlchemistAngel DragonArcherArmordragonArmorknightArtAsgardAssassinAssassinationAssist WeaponAssistantAstrodragonAutodeity ArmyAvatar

BandBardBattle AuraBattle BuildingBattle Deity RoboBattleshipBio-LabBlack DragonBlack KnightBlack OrganizationBlacksmithBlade BeastBladedancerBlue DragonBody BlowBraveBrave MachineBuddyBuddy LabBuddyfightBuddyfight AceBuddyfight Channel

CaseCatChaosChargeChessChoco CornetCityClassComputerConstructCoolCosmo DragoonCounterCreationCrew TrooperCrusaderCurse DragonCute

DancerDangerous VeggiesDarkdeity DragonDarkheroDarknessDark BurialDarkvenom DragonDeathDeepDefenseDeityDeity Dragon TribeDemon LordDemon SlayDemon WayDemonic BeastDestructionDetectiveDimension DragonDiriver UFODisasterDoramDrago Phantom ThiefDragodDrametalDragonDragon Chief EmperorDragon KnightDragon LordDragonarmsDragonblood SectDragonmanDrawDuel DragonDuel GolemDungeon EnemyDungeon Master

E - F
EarthElectrodeityEmpyreal CorpsEnhanceEvil Deity DragonEvil Demonic DragonExcelbladeExecutionersExtra TurnFairyFamiliarFBIFireFire DragonFire PowerFlame DragonFriesFolktaleFuurinkazan

Galaxy Defense TeamGalaxy ExaltGaugeGenesis DragonGeniusGetGhostGlassesGodGodpunkGold/Golden DragonGraduate StudentGreen DragonGridman AllianceGuardians

H - I - J - K
HamburgerHeroHello, Happy World!High School StudentHomemade Buddy Battle VideosHomunculusHumanHundred DemonsHunterIdolJapanese BladeJunior Detective LeagueKabutoKaijuKaratekaKidoshuKingKnightKnights of the BloodKushikatsuKuwagata

L - M
LandLaughing CoffinLegendLegend DragonLightLinkdragon OrderLostvaderMageMagic PowerMascotMAX DragonMedabotMedalMedawatchMerchantMessiah ArmsMobile Aerial TeamMonkMoonlit Black CatsMoveMVPMVP CardMystic Knight

N - O
NeodragonNeon Genesis Junior High StudentNew SeriesNinjaNinja ArtsNoviceNullOfficial Strongest SupporterOlympusOni Assassin

P - Q - R
PassionPastel*PalettesPearPersonnelPhantom ThiefPlaguePoppin'PartyPriestPrism DragonPrism CrecerProfessorPublic Security BureauPuddingQuartet FiveRaging SpiritsResearcherRecoveryRed DragonRide-ChangerRO CardRobotRogueRoseliaRune

SageScientistSecret SwordShadow DragonShadow ShadeShieldShinsengumiSkull WarriorSoldierSpecialSpellStaffStarSummonSummonerSunSun DragonSuper RobotSuper WarriorSuperheroSuperheroineSwampSwordsman

T - U - V - W - Y
TakoyakiTarotTeam GMTerrainThat GirlThiefThunderThunder EmpireTime DragonTinpetToiletTrapTV AnimeTyrantUndeadVR MachineVRMMORPGWarriorWaterWeaponWeaponryWestern YokaiWhite DragonWild DragonWindWizardWizardryWydar SarkalYokai
