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"Demonic Descent Sword of the King" Laevateinn -
Duel Sieger, "Sieger Turbulence!" -
Martial Arts Chief, Duel Jaeger -
Deity Against All, Gargantua Dragon "Eisenwaechter" -
Combat Deity Great Hero Dragon, Gargantua Kaizer -
∞ Infinity the Chaos ∞ -
Dragod Hero, Gargantua Justice -
Excelblade, Godslash KANESADA
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- Backbeard's Army, Wolfgang
- Bal Dragon, "Bal Weapon Combination!"
- Balle Soleil, "Eternal Bal-Blaster!"
- Balle Soleil, "The End of Bal-Break!"
- Batzz's Protection, "Dragonificator" Gao
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- Black Dragon of Demise, Death Tallica
- Black Sky Sun Dragon, Azi Dahaka "Daeva"
- Black-Stag
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- Cancer Starsentinel, Cancel
- Cautious Man, Gin
- Champion Lord, "Bravery of Chief!"
- CHAOS Death Tallica
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- CHAOS Gilquine
- Chaos Golem, Yomar
- CHAOS Hadeath
- CHAOS Iyonorasetsuryu
- CHAOS Kimensai
- CHAOS Van Glacier
- Charisma High School Girl Idol, Mika Jougasaki
- Cold Flow Ice Dragon, Roi Miserea
- Combat Deity Great Hero Dragon, Gargantua Kaizer
- Corrupted One, Erational
- Cyber Police, Side Watcher
- Daredevil "Breaker"
- Daredevil, "Return"
- Daredevil, "Salamander Dragon"
- Dark Sun, Azi Dahaka "Daeva"
- Deity Against All, Gargantua Dragon "Eisenwaechter"
- Deity Gargantua Dragon
- Deity Gargantua Dragon "Dual Mode"
- Deity Gargantua Dragon "Re:B"
- Deity of Enthusiasm and Bonds, Godagito
- Deity Sword of Creations, Aqulta Gwaneff
- Demon Lord of Demise, Kyoya
- Demon Lord of the Sun, Bal Dragon
- Demon Wolf, Fenrir
- Demonic Demise Dragon, Azi Dahaka
- Demonic Demise Dragon, Azi Dahaka "Re:B"
- Demonic Demise Dragon, Azi Dahaka (New Drive)
- Demonic Dragon Deity of Demise World, Azi Dahaka "Gaen"
- Demonic Rock Dragon Mech, Dol Dra-gollum
- Destruction Deity of the Old World, Azi Dahaka
- Detective of the East, Shinichi Kudo
- Deugaine Zascyth
- Dimension Dragon, Phobos
- Divine Demonic Sword of the King, Excalibur Replica
- Double Rock Mech Trooper, Orth-gollum
- Dragod Hero, Gargantua Justice
- Dragonic Armored Ship, Marshal Fortress
- Drum Bunker Dragon "10000"
- Drum Bunker Dragon, "Drill Ram Buster Break!"
- Duel Sieger, "Sieger Turbulence!"
- Duke of Kicks, Makoto Kyogoku
- Fairy King, Alverich
- Fake Dragon Chief, Crimson Arrogant
- Farm Idol, Shizuku Oikawa
- Fenrir, "Curse of Vanargand"
- Fifth Omni Sky Dragon Lord, Kaizer Drum "Roar"
- Fifth Omni Super Dragon Great Emperor, Kaizer Drum
- Fifth Omni Super Dragon Lord, Kaizer Drum
- First Omni Beast Lord, Ziun "Re:B"
- Flame Warhammer of Victory, Felis
- Galaxy Braver, Gargantua Quasar
- Galaxy Exalt, Cosmoman
- Galaxy Exalt, Cosmonine
- Gargantua Bladecentaur
- Gargantua Dragon, "Blast Mode"
- Gargantua Dragon, "Punisher Mode"
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- Gargantua Dragon, "Tempest Mode"
- Gargantua Knight Dragon
- Gargantua Slash Wyvern
- Gemclone, "Origin Breaker!"
- Gonglee, the Sexual Kaiju
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- Great Ocean Deity Duel Jaeger, "Seazarion"
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- Guardian Dragon of the Ruins, Meteor Rain
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- Mark of Atonement, Azi Dahaka Daeva "SYS"
- Mark of Transgression, Azi Dahaka "SYS"
- Martial Arts Chief, Duel Jaeger
- Master of the Searing Executioners, Gagalgarios
- Mauve Heavenly Crystal Dragon, Athora Tanzanite
- Mecha Ghoulghilas, the Revenge Kaiju
- Mercenary's Dignity, Dra-gollum
- Modern-day Sherlock Holmes, Shinichi Kudo
- Mountain Deity Oni Blade, Kid Ibuki
- My Pace Idol, Airi Totoki
- Searing Tekko Chief, Duel Jaeger
- Seeker of Superior Strength, Duel Jaeger
- Silver Soul Release, Deity Gargantua Dragon
- Sky Carnage Sun Deity, Azi Dahaka "Zurvan"
- Sky Piercing Autodeity Dragon, CHAOS Batzz
- Stone Monument Grudge, Gasha-Dokuro
- Super Clash! Bal Dragon
- Super Clash! Duel Jaeger
- Super Sword Deity, King Kaizerion
- Sword of the King, Excalibur