Monsters with Power 7000.
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Sixth Omni Storm Lord, Variable Cord -
Martial Arts Dragon Emperor, Duel Sieger -
"Zeroth Style Gale, Azure Skies" Mayuzumi Fubuki -
Great Fiend, Yamigedo -
CHAOS Yamigedo -
"Zeroth Style Gale, Azure Skies" Mayuzumi Fubuki "Re:B" -
INV Sixth Omni Storm Lord, Catastrophe Cord -
Dragon Force, "Style of Super Sun"
All items (475)
- "Ashen Death Sorcery" Yersinieas
- "Ashen Death Sorcery" Yersinieas "Re:B"
- "Blooming Rose of Purple Flames", Yukina Minato
- "Bouncy Ego Search", Aya Maruyama
- "Buddy Police Agent" Golden Dragoner, Jackknife
- "Chasing Rabbits in the Garden", Tae Hanazono
- "Demonic Rock Mech Trooper" Dra-gollum
- "Demonic Rock Mech Trooper" Dra-gollum "Re:B"
- "Zeroth Style Gale, Azure Skies" Mayuzumi Fubuki
- "Zeroth Style Gale, Azure Skies" Mayuzumi Fubuki "Re:B"
- A Faint Memory, Batzz
- Abygale, "Beyond the Veil"
- Abygale, "Deadly Oblivion"
- Abygale, "Jet Black Storm"
- Abygale, "Lost Horizon!"
- Actor Knights the Moon
- Aftermath, Gagaku
- All Alive, Gordirocs Z
- Alloy Instructor, SHAKUDO
- Alluring Sword Demon, Vioroza
- Almighty, Dokakusai
- Aloof Jaggy
- Archangel Dragon, Raphael
- Archdemon
- Ardent Heavenly Crystal Dragon, Athora Alexand
- Armordeity, Dynamis
- Armored Dragon, Cuelebre
- Armored Dragon, Cuelebre (New Drive)
- Armorknight Buster, Cerberus "A"
- Armorknight Centaur
- Armorknight Griffin
- Armorknight Griffin (New Drive)
- Armorknight Iblis
- Armorknight Lion Drake
- Artist of Shadowform, Silhouette Olivar
- Astraeus, "Birthday of Wind and Stars"
- Atonement Purgatory Knights Leader, Orcus Sword Dragon
- Atroce
- Autodeity Army Pro, CHAOS Gao
- Autodeity's Masterpiece, CHAOS Batzz
- Avatar of Glass Crystal, Athora
- Awakened as Thunder Emperor, Batzz
- Awakened Deity Dragon, Gargantua Knight Dragon
- Awakened Deity Dragon, Wald Gardragon
- Awakened Deity, Gargantua Dragon
- Axe Dragon, Dorcas
- Axe Dragon, Dorcas (New Drive)
- Axe Head Dragon
- Bal Dragon, "Bal Grand Strike!"
- Bal Dragon, "Bal Rising!"
- Bal Dragon, "Gold Bal Shine!"
- Bal Dragon, “Extreme Rage Balbarian”
- Bandage Warrior, Masked Vantage
- Bardiche Drake
- Bash Goldenbat, Hermes Bat
- Battle Skills Diplomat, Diremand
- Batzz Afflicted by Darkness
- Batzz the Thunderstorm
- Bearer of Sins, Batzz
- Behemoth Claymore Dragon
- Biggest Dragonarms, Photonlancer
- Black Crest Dragon, Dyurandy
- Black Dragon Knight, Leopard
- Black Dragon, Maveltaker
- Black Dragon, Maveltaker (New Drive)
- Black Platedragon, Pantagra
- Black Poison Dragon, Bloodknife
- Black Scar, Stigmata
- Blackslash Ghost Dragon, Galnibael
- Blade Beast of Guillotine, Oden Tamitsuyo
- Blade Beast of Sixteenth Night, Crane Princess Ichimonji
- Bladewing, "Immortal Phoenix!"
- Blazing Forge Dragon, Svarog
- Bloody Moon Dragon
- Blue Crystal Dragon, Kalvados
- Blue Sun, Balle Soleil
- Bombard Mech, CHAOS Cylinder
- Boundless Dragon Emperor, Merabacshin
- Brave Swordsman, Tri
- Breaching Dragon Sword, Batzz
- Brilliance of the Twin Star, Zodiac
- Buddy Police Agent Twin Star Gun, "Star & Brave"
- Buzzsaw Roar Dragon
- BW25: Aldiss
- Captain Answer, "THE Another Lesson!"
- Captain of the Cavalry Dragons, Kegale Byde
- Cavalry Dragon Mech, CHAOS Kegale Byde
- Cavalry Dragon, Hyperion
- Champion the Sungreat
- CHAOS Adil Diablos
- CHAOS Billion Knuckle
- CHAOS Brute
- CHAOS Campary
- CHAOS Carbuncle
- CHAOS Darryl Berck
- CHAOS Darryl Berck "Re:B"
- CHAOS David
- CHAOS Freyja
- CHAOS Kalvados
- CHAOS Kraken
- CHAOS Lumiere
- CHAOS Managarmr
- CHAOS Spirit Beat
- CHAOS Terrorizer
- CHAOS Unzen
- CHAOS Vydallur
- CHAOS Yamigedo
- CHAOS Zodiac
- Chief of Adversity, Revenger Sho
- Chief of Steel, Protect Ko
- Chrotojil
- Color of Madness, Kuradeel
- Combat Deity Knight, Gargantua Knight Dragon
- Confidence Max, Batzz
- Conflagration Karma of Primeval, "Bloody Diagram"
- Corrosion Code 315, Machining CHAOS Dragon
- Corrosion Code 450, Dis CHAOS Prism
- Cosmo Strada, Galaxias
- Crimson Battler, Extreme Blow Dragon
- Crush Execute Dragon, Zarrtelganger
- Crystal Dragon Brilliance, Athora
- Dark Black Crystal Dragon, Athora
- Dark Demon, Aionio Meran
- Darkdeity Dragon, Jamjammer
- Darkdeity Dragon, Jamjammer Sahasham
- Darkness Dragoner, Jackknife
- Death Bringer Black Dragon, Abygale
- Death Napalm, "Grind Core"
- Death Ruler, Skull
- Deathraider Lord, Karma Orven
- Decay Ashen Death Great Sorcery, Yersinieas
- Deity Dragon Beamsword, Garknight Knife
- Deity Dragon Sword Cane, Gar-Courage
- Deity Fire Cavalry Dragon, Romedius
- Deity Meteorarms, Azavoarl
- Deity of the Sun, Balle Soleil
- Delightful Enjoyment, CHAOS Yersinieas
- Demon Lord Dragon, Batzz
- Demon Lord Dragon, Batzz "2018"
- Demon Lord of the Hundred Demons, Yamigedo
- Demon Lord of Violent Storm, Batzz
- Demon Lord Unleashed, Batzz
- Demon Lords Controller, CHAOS Constructor
- Demon Programmer, Marbas
- Demon Programmer, Marbas (New Drive)
- Demon Swordsman, Deathstorm
- Demonic Battle Demon, Zetta
- Demonic Dark Emperor, Grobius
- Destructive Sword of the King, Trishula
- Dimension Dragon, Effesla
- Dimension Dragon, Laimargia
- Dimension Dragon, Zorune
- Dimensional Demonic Dragon, Ladis the Tyrant
- Dimensional Demonic Dragon, Ladis the Tyrant (New Drive)
- Diriver, the Malice Kaiju
- Double Saint Holy Sword Dragon
- Dragon Force, "Style of Future"
- Dragon Force, "Style of Super Sun"
- Dragon Guardian of the Sanctuary, Lumiere
- Dragon Lightning Emperor, Ivan
- Dragon Protector of the Celestial Gate, Luminalion
- Dragon Towards Transfiguration, Paradise Lost
- Dragowizard, Tempest Wing
- Drum Bunker Dragon "2018"
- Drum Bunker Dragon, "Father"
- Drum Bunker Robo
- Duel Sieger, "Centurion"
- Earth Cluster Demonic Rock Palm
- Earth Garon Mod.2
- Earth Tremor Black Dragon, Soulvaag
- Edward the CHAOS
- Effeslay Rallface
- Elite Sword, Odenta
- Emperor: Rosso Scepter
- Endeavor Star Deity, Tierkreis
- Enma Alliance, Jetcowl
- Epicenter Cavalry Dragon, Ground Zero
- Eradication Spear, Skypierce
- Espada Dragons Officer, Tyrakk
- Ethereal Overlord, Gang the King
- Ethereal Overlord, Gang the King "Re:B"
- Evil Deity Evil Demon, Goku Yamigedo
- Evil Sins, Shumokuzame
- Evil Sins, Shumokuzame (New Drive)
- Explosive Takedown, Rampage Sonic "Turbo"
- Exquisite Sword, Crane Princess
- Faceless Black Dragon, Laysface
- Fairy Dragon Emperor, Felistas
- Fallen Angel of Rebellion, Rucifiel
- Famed Veteran General, Adalbart
- Fifth Omni Armored Dragon, Giant Battle Axe Dokuju
- Fifth Omni Armored Dragon, Thousand Tachis Yoko
- Fifth Omni Cavalry Dragon, Magical Blade Mizaru
- Fifth Omni Super Cavalry Dragon, Aurora Spiral Alliot
- Fifth Omni Super Cavalry Dragon, Ice Spear Merak
- Fifth Omni Super Cavalry Dragon, Magical Deity Blade Mizaru
- Fifth Omni Super Cavalry Dragon, Phoenix Bow Meglax
- Fifth Omni Super Dragon Lord, Fierce Deity Tenbu
- Fifth Omni Super Dragon Sky Emperor, Mugen Drum
- Fighting Dragon Emperor, Demongodol Ark