Future Card Buddyfight Wiki
Future Card Buddyfight Wiki
D. End Bringer
English D. End Bringer
Kanji D・エンドブリンガー
Kana ディー・エンドブリンガー
Romaji Dī Endoburingā
Type Spell
World Dragon World
Attribute Dimension Dragon / Draw
Illust ナブランジャ
Flavor Text
Invading to them is what breathing is to you.
Ability / Effect
You may only cast this card if you have a 《Dimension Dragon》 on your field.
[Cast Cost] [Pay 1 gauge]
Draw two cards. Then, if your flag is "Lost World", draw a card, and deal 2 damage to your opponent! You may only cast "D. End Bringer" once per turn.
Legal Status
EN Unlimited
JP Unlimited
TH Unlimited
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