Future Card Buddyfight Wiki
DEATH Wave Rod, Sterben
DEATHデスぼう シュテルベン
English DEATH Wave Rod, Sterben
Kanji DEATH死揮棒 シュテルベン
Kana デスしきぼう シュテルベン
Romaji Desu Shikibō Shuteruben
Type Item
Power 3000
Critical 1
World Darkness Dragon World
Attribute Death / Staff
Illust みがお
Flavor Text
Dance and dance, like the dead.
Ability / Effect
Act】 Discard a card from your hand, and [Rest] this card. If you do, put your opponent's monsters onto separate areas on his or her field. (Two cards cannot be put on the same area!)
Legal Status
EN Unlimited
JP Unlimited
TH Unlimited
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