Future Card Buddyfight Wiki
Deity Dragon Lightwing Blade, Garwyvern Sword
しんりゅうこうよくじん ガルワイバーン・ソード
English Deity Dragon Lightwing Blade, Garwyvern Sword
Kanji 神竜光翼刃 ガルワイバーン・ソード
Kana しんりゅうこうよくじん ガルワイバーン・ソード
Romaji Shinryū Kōyokujin Garuwaibān Sōdo
Type Item
Power 5000
Critical 3
World Dragon World
Attribute Deity Dragon Tribe / Weapon
Flavor Text
Think about how you shall use the power and skills. If your heart is weak, you will lose everything.
Ability / Effect
[Equip Cost] [Pay 1 gauge & Pay 1 life]
If a 《Dragod》 is on your field, this card and all 《Deity Dragon Tribemonsters on your field cannot be destroyed and their abilities cannot be nullified by your opponent's card effects.
[Counter]Act】 During each player's attack phase, if a card with [G•BOOST-Will-] is on your field, call up to one size 1 or less 《Deity Dragon Tribe》 monster from your drop zone by paying its [Call Cost]. You may only use this ability once per turn.
Legal Status
EN Unlimited
JP Unlimited
TH Unlimited
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