Future Card Buddyfight Wiki
Original Revival Buddy
Demon Wolf, Fenrir
ろう フェンリル
English Demon Wolf, Fenrir
Kanji 魔狼 フェンリル
Kana まろう フェンリル
Romaji Marō Fenriru
Type Monster
Size 3
Power 10000
Critical 6
Defense 7000
World Legend World
Attribute Asgard
Illust 末弥純
Flavor Text
Hearing the distant cry of the demon wolf means that the day of disaster draws near.
Ability / Effect
[Call Cost] [Pay 5 gauge]
If this card is on the field, it is unaffected by the effects of "Gleipnir" and can attack.
Legal Status
EN Unlimited
JP Unlimited
TH Unlimited
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