Future Card Buddyfight Wiki
Future Card Buddyfight Wiki
FD09-S001 SECRET (Sample)

"Duo" is a keyword introduced in Buddyfight New Drive that allows a card possessing it to "unlock" additional abilities if the player has its specific partner card on their field, in their drop zone, or in the soul of any card on their field.

List of Sets with Duo[]

Latest Reminder Text[]

[Duo] (The following ability is active as long as you have a card with the name specified in the [Duo] ability on your field, in your drop zone, or in your face-up soul)

List of Cards with Duo[]

Image Duo 1 Duo 2
FD09-S001 SECRET (Sample) FD09-S002 SECRET (Sample) Thunder Flares Crimson Princess Knight, Frey Thunder Flares Elf Knight, Eden
FD10-S002 SECRET FD10-S001 SECRET Chaos Golem, Yomar Chaos Wizard, Aurora

List of Keywords
Generic Gameplay Keywords

Double AttackTriple AttackQuadruple AttackHextuple Attack
RideStationTransformImpact TransformDragonify
Equipment ChangeRelease Condition!

Deck Construction Keywords
DragodOmni LordDouble BuddyTriple Buddy

Unique Action Keywords
AmbushCrossnizePurgeWeaponry Link
Class ChangeMedachange

Special Ability Keywords
CHAOS TerritoryEvil DeityD-ShareReversal

New Drive Unique
BuddyCostBuddyGiftDeath CurseGiftShadow DiveSpectral Strike

Overdrive Unique
