"The Rules of Buddyfight" is the 4th episode of the Future Card Buddyfight anime.
Drum was still sulking over Gao eating his pudding and Gao decided to leave him home, while he heads towards school. On his way there, he notices a sketchy looking cat, which in reality is Drum in disguise.
Kiri Hyoryu is transferred to Gao's class, a boy that Gao had previously saved from bullies, who transferred to Gao's school as he was amazed by Gao. After school, he asks Gao to teach him how to play Buddyfight and Gao suggests that Kiri learns from the Castle Store Manager, as he himself had only recently started playing. When the Castle Store manager offers Kiri a choice of two TD, he chooses TD02 in order to avoid copying Gao as just copying him, won't make him improve. Kiri, with support from Gao, plays against the Castle Store manager, whom guided Kiri throughout the fight. Kiri ultimately wins after calling Armorknight Black Drake.
After the fight, Rouga Aragami appears, congratulating Kiri for his victory and him using Danger World. He states to Kiri that winning is all that matters, something Gao disagrees with, but Rouga suggests that Gao should wait until he starts losing fights. The bullies that Gao protected Kiri from beore then came and engaged Gao in a Buddyfight, Drum then shows up as he had overheard Gao stating he was awesome monster. In the Buddyfight, Gao easily defeated the bullies. After the fight, Gao apologizes to Drum for eating the pudding and Drum shares some octopus dumplings, but Gao notices that only one had left, with Drum stating Gao now knows how he felt too.
Later that night, Rouga is asked by Magoroku Shido to look for a "photon metal". Rouga agrees, but comments that he's only interested in using his "Dark Core". After that he activates his Dark Core which turns his clothing black, he then summons his Buddy Armorknight Cerberus, telling Cerberus to call him "Wolf" after putting on a mask.
- Armorknight Cerberus
- Armorknight Eagle
- Baku Omori
- Castle Store Manager
- Drum Bunker Dragon
- Gao Mikado
- Kenta Zakoyama
- Kiri Hyoryu
- Kuguru Uki
- Magoroku Shido
- Nisei Nitsuke
- Rouga Aragami
- Ryo Mobutani
- Shirou Gayaoka
Featured Cards[]
Dragon World[]
- Drum Bunker Dragon
- Bronze Shield Dragon
- Extreme Sword Dragon
- Systemic Dagger Dragon
- Thousand Rapier Dragon
Danger World[]
- Armorknight Black Drake
- Armorknight Cerberus
- Armorknight Minotaur
- Armorknight Ogre
- Bloodwind Dragon, Elyrseagar
- Danger World and the Disaster Force make their debut.
- Several characters from the Cardfight!! Vanguard anime make a cameo appeareance in this episode.
And they are:
- Aichi Sendou
- Kamui Katsuragi
- Misaki Tokura
- Toshiki Kai
- Ren Suzugamori
- Tetsu Shinjo
- Shingo Komoi
- Naoki Ishida
- Kourin Tatsunagi
Title Cards[]
Episode 4 Future Card Buddyfight Animation
English Dub
#4を爆熱再現! キリvsキャッスル店長
Bakunetsu Saigen!: Kiri vs. Castle Store Manager