Future Card Buddyfight Wiki
Garslash Accel
English Garslash Accel
Romaji Garusurasshu Akuseru
Thai การ์แสลช・แอคเซล
Type Spell
World Dragon World
Attribute Deity Dragon Tribe / Enhance / Defense
Illust かんくろう
  • Ultimate Unite - S-CBT03/0045 (U)
    S-CBT03/0045EN (U)
    S-CBT03/0045TH (U) [C Unfoiled]
Flavor Text
Gaining power and training your skills mean nothing if your heart is corrupted. Having an open mind is the key.
Ability / Effect
You may only cast this card if a card with [G•BOOST-Will-] is on your field.
[Counter] Choose and use one of the following two.
• For this turn, damage your opponent takes by your card effects cannot be reduced!
• For this turn, the next damage you take is reduced to 0.
Legal Status
EN Unlimited
JP Unlimited
TH Unlimited
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