"Hero" (
The monsters of this attribute typically have effects that activate when they link attack in a similar vein to the Adventurer attribute from Dungeon World. The items typically have the Equipment Change keyword, allowing them to perform rather unique combos with items such as using a traditional weapon item to attack on your turn and switching to an item that helps you protect yourself on your opponent's turn.
As of X Booster Set 4, Heroes are now more focused on their items, with a higher composition of items in their arsenal and the key item that allows multiple items to be equipped at the same time, granting multiple attacks in one turn. They also included spells that work better with items and items that can act as pseudo-spells and monsters to ensure an unstoppable onslaught of infinite slashes on your opponent.
List of Sets with Hero Cards[]
- Booster Set 1: Dragon Chief
- Booster Set 3: Drum's Adventures
- Booster Set 4: Darkness Fable
- Perfect Pack 1: Golden Buddy Pack (ver.E)
- H Extra Booster 1: Miracle Impack!
- D Booster Set 3: Annihilate! Great Demonic Dragon!!
- D Climax Booster: Dragon Fighters
- X Ultimate Booster 1: Buddy Quest Monsters ~Adventurer VS Demon Lord~ (JP)
- X Booster Set Alternative 3: LVL Up! Heroes & Adventurers! (EN)
- X Booster Set 2: Chaos Control Crisis
- X Booster Set 4: Rainbow Striker
- X Special Series 3: 5 WORLD BUILD MASTERS (JP)
- X Climax Booster: Driven to Disorder (JP)
- X Booster Set Alternative 4: New World Chaos (EN)
- X2 Booster Set 1: Buddy Legends
- S Special Pack: Super Clash!! Batzz VS Geargod (JP)
- S Booster Set Alternative 2: Blazing Overclash (EN)
- S Booster Set 5: War of Dragods
- S Special Pack 3: Revival Buddies (JP)
- S Special Series 1 Alternative: Buddy Ragnarok (EN)
- ND Booster Set 1: Dragon Chief (TH)
- ND Booster Set 5 (TH)
- ND Character Pack 1: Burning Valor (TH)
- ND Extra Booster 1: Immortal Entities (TH)
- Promo Cards
List of Hero Cards[]
Dragon World[]
Size 1[]
- Dragon Knight, Hannibal
- Dragon Knight, Jeanne d'Arc
- Dragon Knight, Leonidas
- Divine Dragon Knight, Jeanne d'Arc
- Dragon Knight, Martell
Size 2[]
Legend World[]
- Karma Demonic Sword of the King, Laevateinn Abyss
- Autodeity Heroic Sword of the King, Laevateinn
- Fabricated Holy Sword, Galgano Replica
- Dragon Vanquishing Sword, Balmung
- Great Demonic Sword, Klarente
- Immortal Sword of the King, Durandal
- Sword of the King, Carnwenhan
- Immortal Sword, Durandal
- Famous Sword, Hrunting
- Thunderstroke, Keranols
- Divine Protection, Prydwen
- Ice Shield Deity, Svalinn
- Sword of the King, Excalibur
- Sword of the King Scabbard, Surtr Cross
- Minyas' Treasures Chamber - Room of Sword of the King -
- Fabricated Sword of the King, Gramr Replica
- Sword of the King and Sham, Lobera & Lobera Replica
- Regal Sword of the King, Joyeuse
- Lightblaze Sword of the King, Claiomh Solais
- Divine Demonic Sword of the King, Excalibur Replica
- Destructive Sword of the King, Trishula
- Fabricated Sword of the King, Unsigned Iron Sword Replica
- Fabricated Sword of the King, Zulfiqar Replica
- Fabricated Sword of the King, Hrotti Replica
- Fabricated Sword of the King, Hovd Replica
- Sword of the King, Sequence
- Fabricated Sword of the King, Fragarach Replica
- Sword of the King, Dainsleif
- Eroded Beast Sword of the King, Laevateinn Savage
- Divine Spear, Gugnir
- "Demonic Descent Sword of the King" Laevateinn
- Fabricated Sword of the King, Nagelring Replica
- Fabricated Sword of the King, Armas Replica
- Fabricated Sword of the King, Caladbolg Replica
- Fabricated Sword of the King, Eckesachs Replica
- Watchsword of Autodeity, CHAOS Laevateinn
- Fabricated Sword of the King, Dainsleif Replica
- Fabricated Sword of the King, Mistilteinn Replica
- Immortal Sword, Durandal "Re:B"
- "Demonic Descent Sword of the King" Laevateinn "Re:B"
- Divine Sword, Gallatin
- Fable of the Sword Sage
- Holy Grail
- Bloody Holy Grail
- Merlin's Advice
- Heroic Tale
- Unyielding Dignity
- Skilled General's Insight
- Undying Charisma
- For The Chosen Ones
- Fury of Odin
- Infallible Blade Wall
- Trismegistos' Alchemy
- Heroic Spirit
- Taboo Contract
- A Fleeting Dream
- Hero's Base, Castle Camelot
- Book of Illusions, Mabinogion
- One Who Leads
- Holy Grail "Re:B"
- Holy Grail "Re:S"
Size 0[]
- Knights of the Round Table, Ywain
- Valkyrie, Rota the Caller of Blizzard
- Valkyrie, All-knowing Alwidol
- Uniform Hero, Valkyrie Frill
Size 1[]
- Panther Robed Knight, Tariel
- Dragon Vanquishing Emperor, Beowulf
- Knights of the Round Table, Gawain
- Knights of the Round Table, Galahad
- Great Magician, Merlin
- Arc Hammer Knight, Brontes
- Divine Dragon Knight, Jeanne d'Arc
- Wise Valor, Oliver
- Skilled General, Odysseus
- Infinitude Sword Sage, Keisetsu
- Knights of the Round Table, Gareth
- Fairy Knight, Daoine Shee
Size 2[]
- Hazel Emperor Jailer, Alking
- Dragon Extermination Knight, Siegfried
- Knights of the Round Table, Lancelot
- Knights of the Round Table, King Arthur
- Knights of the Round Table, Percival
- Warrior Emperor, Red Arthur
- Valkyrie, Eruroon the Divine Will
- Dauntless Valor, Rinaldo
- Fortuitous Valor, Astolfo
- Combat Deity Great Hero Dragon, Gargantua Kaizer
- Valkyrie, Assault Cara
- A Nameless Valkyrie
- Valkyrie, Brilliant Brynhildr
- Valkyrie, Salvation Eir
- Immortal Sword Sage, Shosetsu
Size 3[]
Dragon World[]
Size 1[]
- Dragon Knight, Hannibal (New Drive)
- Dragon Knight, Jeanne d'Arc (New Drive)
- Dragon Knight, Leonidas (New Drive)
- Dragon Knight, Ryoma (New Drive)
- Dragon Knight, Socrates (New Drive)
- Dragon Knight, Ranmaru (New Drive)
- Dragon Knight, Kagekiyo (New Drive)
- Dragon Knight, Soushi (New Drive)
- Dragon Knight, Kondou (New Drive)
- Dragon Knight, Nagakura (New Drive)
- Dragon Knight, Hijikata (New Drive)
Size 2[]
- Dragon Knight, Masakado (New Drive)
- Dragon Knight, Alexander (New Drive)
- Dragon Knight, Kenshin (New Drive)
Size 3[]
Hero World[]
Size 1[]
- First Warrior, Einder (New Drive)
- Second Warrior, Zweider (New Drive)
- Third Warrior, Dreider (New Drive)
- Stray Warrior, Vier (New Drive)
- Hero Hunter, Sieben (New Drive)
List of Hero Support Cards[]
Legend World[]
- "Demonic Descent Sword of the King" Laevateinn "Re:B"
- Immortal Sword, Durandal "Re:B"
- Lightblaze Sword of the King, Claiomh Solais
- Sword of the King, Dainsleif
- Karma Demonic Sword of the King, Laevateinn Abyss
- Fabricated Holy Sword, Galgano Replica
- Fabricated Sword of the King, Dainsleif Replica
- Minyas' Treasures Chamber - Room of Sword of the King -
- Fabricated Sword of the King, Nagelring Replica
- Immortal Sword of the King, Durandal
- Sword of the King, Carnwenhan
- Regal Sword of the King, Joyeuse
- Divine Demonic Sword of the King, Excalibur Replica
- Sword of the King and Sham, Lobera & Lobera Replica
- Fabricated Sword of the King, Zulfiqar Replica
- Eroded Beast Sword of the King, Laevateinn Savage
- Divine Sword, Gallatin
- Undying Charisma
- One Who Leads
- Bloody Holy Grail
- Fable of the Sword Sage
- Merlin's Advice
- Unyielding Dignity
- Heroic Tale
- For The Chosen Ones
- Trismegistos' Alchemy
- Infallible Blade Wall
- Tevas Gard
- Hero's Base, Castle Camelot
- Holy Grail "Re:B"
- Book of Illusions, Mabinogion
Size 1[]
- Skilled General, Odysseus
- Infinitude Sword Sage, Keisetsu
- Wise Valor, Oliver
- Divine Dragon Knight, Jeanne d'Arc
Size 2[]
- Fortuitous Valor, Astolfo
- Knights of the Round Table, Lancelot
- Dauntless Valor, Rinaldo
- Warrior Emperor, Red Arthur
Size 3[]
Dual Cards[]
Size 1[]
- Divine Dragon Knight, Jeanne d'Arc (Legend/Dragon)
- Infinitude Sword Sage, Keisetsu (Dungeon/Legend)
Size 2[]
- Warrior Emperor, Red Arthur (Legend/Hero)
List of Attributes (New Drive) |
12 Zodiacs ● 72 Pillars ● Adventurer ● Armordragon ● Armorknight ● Battle Aura ● Black Dragon ● Blue Dragon ● Buddy ● Chess ● Constellation ● Counter ● Creation ● Darkness ● Defense ● Demon Way ● Destruction ● Dog Zodiac, Kizune ● Dragon ● Dragon Knight ● Dragon Lord ● Dragon Zodiac ● Draw ● Duel Dragon ● Dungeon Enemy ● Earth ● Element ● Enhance ● Fire ● Fire Power ● Genius ● Goat Zodiac ● Gold Dragon ● Green Dragon ● Hare Zodiac ● Hero ● Horse Zodiac ● Japanese Blade ● Knight ● Land ● Legend ● Light ● Magic Power ● Monk ● Move ● Ninja ● Ninja Arts ● Ox Zodiac ● Party of Braves ● Rat Zodiac ● Recovery ● Red Dragon ● Secret Sword ● SKaRD ● Skull Warrior ● Snake Zodiac ● Soldier ● Summon ● Team GM ● Thief ● Tiger Zodiac ● Trap ● Warrior ● Warrior of Light ● Water ● Weapon ● Wild Dragon ● Wind ● Wizard ● White Dragon |