Future Card Buddyfight Wiki
Future Card Buddyfight Wiki
INV Sixth Omni Storm Lord, Catastrophe Cord
裏・六角嵐王 カタストロフ・コード
English INV Sixth Omni Storm Lord, Catastrophe Cord
Kanji 裏・六角嵐王 カタストロフ・コード
Kana うら・ろっかくらんおう カタストロフ・コード
Romaji Ura Rokkaku Ran-Ō Katasutorofu Kōdo
Translated Reverse Sixth Angle Storm King, Catastrophe Cord
Type Monster
Size 2
Power 7000
Critical 3
Defense 2000
World Star Dragon World
Attribute Neodragon
Illust DaisukeIzuka
Flavor Text
(RRR) Your future has been decided.
Now, disappear into the abyssal space!
(BR) Inverse Sixth Omni Storm Lord --
He seeks only for the future that has fallen into despair.
Ability / Effect
[Omni Lord]
[Call Cost] [Pay 2 gauge & Put the top card of your deck into this card's soul]
Act】 Pay 2 gauge. If you do, search your deck for a card, put it into this card's soul, and shuffle your deck.
[Move] [Soulguard]
Legal Status
EN Unlimited
JP Unlimited
TH Unlimited
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