Future Card Buddyfight Wiki

This article is about the character. For the card, see Koyomi-class Fifth Fleet, Satsuki.

Koyomi-class Fifth Fleet, Satsuki is the Buddy Monster of Ku Teito, who is the Hero World representative for the World Buddy Masters tournament. She is voiced by Aimi Terakawa (Japanese) and Natasha Strickey (English).


Her SD form is a green smartphone with a pair of green wings.

Her real form is a giant green battleship, and her wings change colors from green to white with orange highlights.

In her newly evolved Overturn form, her color scheme changes from green and white to black and green with yellow and red highlights and black lightning bolts and the Thunder Empire symbol. She also has black wings.

Buddyfight Legends Information[]

As Ku's Buddy, she acts as the mobile base for the "Super Friendship Machine Fleet" which houses various Super Robots.

She accompanies Ku in the investigation of unusual events around the gate between the Earth and the Buddy World. Even though she appears to be happy for Ku as she matures, she is also worried that the number of dangerous missions is increasing.

She always thinks of Ku as her younger sister and is dedicated to supporting her.


She's always caring for her buddy, and she's looks up at Ku as her sister. She also finds Ku as an adorable and cute little girl. Even when Ku is upset, she still finds her adorable.

Beside having sensitive personality, she also have a serious side when it comes to Buddyfighting with Ku. During the match between Gao and Ku, she's very protective (which is similar to Jackknife's and Tasuku's personality and Athora and Kanata's personaltiy) and cares for her buddy's safety.

In episode 19, she also admires her singing voice during their trip to the training camp together.

In episode 27, she and Jackknife gained the new power of Overturn and become part of Thunder Empire Fangs.

In episode 42, she made her Overturn debut during Ku's and Grimoire's buddyfight.


For a full gallery of Satsuki, see Koyomi-class Fifth Fleet, Satsuki (character)/Gallery.
