Future Card Buddyfight Wiki

Thunderaxe, Agito

"Linkdragon Order" (ばんりゅうだん Banryūdan) is an attribute currently unique to Ancient World.

See also D-Share, Spiral D-Share, and "D".


In contrast to most Ancient World attributes, which typically revolve around using one single overwhelmingly powerful monster, the Linkdragon Order are focused around the theme of "Power of bonds", drawing strength from having multiple monsters on the field, usually size 1 monsters.

The main way they do this is through the keyword D-Share, which gives a card's "D" ability to all other cards on the field who also have "D-Share". By having multiple "D-Share" cards on the field, they all share each other's "D" effects, resulting in all them having multiple abilities at once. They also have a secondary focus on sending cards to the drop zone, often to call their size 3 Linkdragon Order monsters who instead have Spiral D-Share, allowing them to get the "D" abilities of all cards in its soul by sending Linkdragon order cards from the field and drop zone into their soul.

List of Sets with Linkdragon Order Cards[]

List of Linkdragon Order Cards[]

Ancient World[]





Size 0[]
Size 1[]
Size 2[]
Size 3[]

Lost World[]


Dual Cards[]


Size 1[]

List of Linkdragon Order Support Cards[]

Ancient World[]




Size 1[]
Size 3[]


  • The Linkdragon Order are all named after aspects of a body, whether physical parts or emotions. Runner, Nakayubi, for instance, is the middle finger, which is what is being raised if you look at Nakayubi's art. Head of Linkdragon Order, Agito is another example, named after the Chin/Jaw. Bloated, Harahara is an example of the Emotion type, being named after "nervousness" or "anxiety".
  • In addition, all of the Linkdragon Order have chains wrapped around their body, to signify their bonds of comradeship.

List of Attributes

???72 Pillars

Absolute SwordAcademyAcolyteAdventurerAfterglowAIAlchemistAngel DragonArcherArmordragonArmorknightArtAsgardAssassinAssassinationAssist WeaponAssistantAstrodragonAutodeity ArmyAvatar

BandBardBattle AuraBattle BuildingBattle Deity RoboBattleshipBio-LabBlack DragonBlack KnightBlack OrganizationBlacksmithBlade BeastBladedancerBlue DragonBody BlowBraveBrave MachineBuddyBuddy LabBuddyfightBuddyfight AceBuddyfight Channel

CaseCatChaosChargeChessChoco CornetCityClassComputerConstructCoolCosmo DragoonCounterCreationCrew TrooperCrusaderCurse DragonCute

DancerDangerous VeggiesDarkdeity DragonDarkheroDarknessDark BurialDarkvenom DragonDeathDeepDefenseDeityDeity Dragon TribeDemon LordDemon SlayDemon WayDemonic BeastDestructionDetectiveDimension DragonDiriver UFODisasterDoramDrago Phantom ThiefDragodDrametalDragonDragon Chief EmperorDragon KnightDragon LordDragonarmsDragonblood SectDragonmanDrawDuel DragonDuel GolemDungeon EnemyDungeon Master

E - F
EarthElectrodeityEmpyreal CorpsEnhanceEvil Deity DragonEvil Demonic DragonExcelbladeExecutionersExtra TurnFairyFamiliarFBIFireFire DragonFire PowerFlame DragonFriesFolktaleFuurinkazan

Galaxy Defense TeamGalaxy ExaltGaugeGenesis DragonGeniusGetGhostGlassesGodGodpunkGold/Golden DragonGraduate StudentGreen DragonGridman AllianceGuardians

H - I - J - K
HamburgerHeroHello, Happy World!High School StudentHomemade Buddy Battle VideosHomunculusHumanHundred DemonsHunterIdolJapanese BladeJunior Detective LeagueKabutoKaijuKaratekaKidoshuKingKnightKnights of the BloodKushikatsuKuwagata

L - M
LandLaughing CoffinLegendLegend DragonLightLinkdragon OrderLostvaderMageMagic PowerMascotMAX DragonMedabotMedalMedawatchMerchantMessiah ArmsMobile Aerial TeamMonkMoonlit Black CatsMoveMVPMVP CardMystic Knight

N - O
NeodragonNeon Genesis Junior High StudentNew SeriesNinjaNinja ArtsNoviceNullOfficial Strongest SupporterOlympusOni Assassin

P - Q - R
PassionPastel*PalettesPearPersonnelPhantom ThiefPlaguePoppin'PartyPriestPrism DragonPrism CrecerProfessorPublic Security BureauPuddingQuartet FiveRaging SpiritsResearcherRecoveryRed DragonRide-ChangerRO CardRobotRogueRoseliaRune

SageScientistSecret SwordShadow DragonShadow ShadeShieldShinsengumiSkull WarriorSoldierSpecialSpellStaffStarSummonSummonerSunSun DragonSuper RobotSuper WarriorSuperheroSuperheroineSwampSwordsman

T - U - V - W - Y
TakoyakiTarotTeam GMTerrainThat GirlThiefThunderThunder EmpireTime DragonTinpetToiletTrapTV AnimeTyrantUndeadVR MachineVRMMORPGWarriorWaterWeaponWeaponryWestern YokaiWhite DragonWild DragonWindWizardWizardryWydar SarkalYokai
