"Special" (スペシャル Supesharu) is one of the card types used in Future Card Buddyfight. It characterizes by being regarded as a impact at the same time regarding effects and game rules.
See also Impacts.
Special Cards' parts[]
Card name:[]
- The Special's name.
World name:[]
- The World which the Special belongs to. For the Cross Series, the world appears as a logo of the collaboration titles.
- This logo is not seen on the English version of Detective Conan cards.
- Additional category to classify an Special card.
Special effect:[]
- What the Special uses to affect the game or player. Special only can be cast during the owner's final phase (unless they have a Counter ability), and he/she can cast any number of Special cards as possible. Many Special cards have a "Cast Cost", so the player must pay the cost written in order to cast it.
Flavor text:[]
- A commentary about the Special. Some cards do not have flavor text.
List of Card Types |
Flags ● Impacts ● Impact Monsters ● Items ● Magic Treasure ● Monsters ● Spells
Collaboration Unique Card Types New Drive Unique Card Types |