Future Card Buddyfight Wiki

"Special" (スペシャル Supesharu) is one of the card types used in Future Card Buddyfight. It characterizes by being regarded as a impact at the same time regarding effects and game rules.

See also Impacts.

Special Cards' parts[]

Card name:[]

  • The Special's name.

World name:[]

  • The World which the Special belongs to. For the Cross Series, the world appears as a logo of the collaboration titles.
  • This logo is not seen on the English version of Detective Conan cards.


  • Additional category to classify an Special card.

Special effect:[]

  • What the Special uses to affect the game or player. Special only can be cast during the owner's final phase (unless they have a Counter ability), and he/she can cast any number of Special cards as possible. Many Special cards have a "Cast Cost", so the player must pay the cost written in order to cast it.

Flavor text:[]

  • A commentary about the Special. Some cards do not have flavor text.

List of Card Types
FlagsImpactsImpact MonstersItemsMagic TreasureMonstersSpells

Collaboration Unique Card Types
CharactersEventsSpecialsSpecial Characters

New Drive Unique Card Types
Buddy GiftsUltimate Card
