"Star" (
Previously being an atribute without a specific purpose, it has become a supported attribute on H Booster Set 1: Giga Future. Its playstyle revolves setting up a near-unbreakable formation that causes the opponent's cards to lose their abilities, severely limiting what they can do.
List of sets containing Star Cards[]
- Booster Set 4: Darkness Fable
- H Booster Set 1: Giga Future (JP)
- H Booster Set 1: Neo Enforcer ver.E
- D Booster Set 3: Annihilate! Great Demonic Dragon!!
- D Climax Booster: Dragon Fighters
- X Booster Set 4: Rainbow Striker
- X Special Series 4: X Duel Chest
- X Climax Booster: Driven to Disorder
- X2 Booster Set 1: Buddy Legends
- X2 Booster Set Alternative 1: Solar Strife
- S Booster Set 7: Perfected Time Ruler
- H Extra Booster 4: Buddy Allstars+
- H Special Series 1: Super Strong!! Buddy Rare Triple Deck (JP)
- D Special Series 2: Dual Start Deck, Guidepost Genesis & Cosmo Elimination (JP)
- S Ultimate Booster 6: Buddy Again Vol.3 Beyond the Ages
- S Special Pack 2: Glory Valiant (JP)
- S Special Pack 3: Revival Buddies (JP)
- S Special Series 1 Alternative: Buddy Ragnarok (EN)
- Fighter Deck 07: Thunder Dragoner, Jackknife "Overload" (TH)
- ND Booster Set 5: HERO / DRAGON / STAR DRAGON (TH)
List of Star Cards[]
Darkness Dragon World[]
Size 2[]
Size 1[]
Size 2[]
Legend World[]
- Star Bow, Artemis Arrow
- Dragon Force, "Style of Binds"
- Blade of Stellar Deity, Viaraktear
- Espada Runar
- Star Pole Sword, Estrela
- Sentinels of the Stars
- Light Horn of the False Deity
- Medusa Shield
- Buddyfight Triple T "Sophia Sakharov"
- Buddyfight Triple T "Gara"
- Great Fate, Frozen Stars
- Starfall Night
- Brilliance of the Yellow Path
- Uninvited Deity, -Inspector-
- Illusion of the Void Deity
- Chosen Being
- Light of Guidance
- Shield of Knowledge, Tetra Vibrion
- Mind Faker
- Lua Nova
- Divine Guidance
- Future Astrology
- Great Fate, Frozen Stars "Re:B"
Size 0[]
- Virgo Starsentinel, Virgen
- Procyon Melampus
- Moon Celestial, Selene
- Capricorn Starsentinel, Capricorneo
- Pisces Starsentinel, Pisis
- Libra Starsentinel, Leebra
- Aries Starsentinel, Arieez
- Perseus Algol
- Colossal Deity of Phantom Star, Astraeus
- Meteorarms, Altoalizal
- Meteorarms, Vaishal
- Taurus Starsentinel, Tauro
- Ophiuchus Starsentinel, Orphiuco
- Columba Fact
- Lightning Star, Thunder Procyon
- Meteorarms, Gravidirge
- Meteorarms, Pisca Pisca
- Meteorarms, Nebulosa
Size 1[]
- Rigel Orion
- Sirius Lailaps
- Leo Starsentinel, Leaon
- Virgen Unleashed
- Schedar Cassiopeia
- Capella Origar
- Mysterious Fortune Teller, Sofia
- Demon Lord's Arm, Sofia
- Gemini Castor & Pollux
- Spica Virgo
- Aquarius Starsentinel, Aquario
Size 2[]
- Gemini Starsentinel, Gemios
- Stellar Deity, Astraeus
- Sagittarius Starsentinel, Sagitario
- Taurus Aldebaran
- Meteorarms, Dragsolar
- Stellar Deity, Astraeus "Re:B"
Size 3[]
- Endeavor Star Deity, Tierkreis
- Hollowed Arms, Zodiac
- Star Deity Dragon, Zodiac
- Awakened Stardeity Dragon, Zodiac "X"
- CHAOS Aquario
- High Eliminator, Zodiac
- Cancer Starsentinel, Cancel
- Space-Time Distortion Dragon, Zodiac "if"
- CHAOS Bloody King
- Deity of Sun and Death, Bloody King
- Star Deity Combined Dragon, Zodiac "es"
- Star Deity Dragon, Zodiac "Re:B"
- Eventual Star Deity Dragon, Zodiac Nohva
- Deity Meteorarms, Azavoarl
- Scorpio Starsentinel, Escorpia
- Brilliance of the Twin Star, Zodiac
- CHAOS Zodiac
Impact Monsters[]
Size 2[]
Star Dragon World[]
- Legblade Rejecter
- Legblade, Avenge
- Cosmo Saber, Dark Matter
- Star Magnum, Dragnapulse
- Gunrod, Hammerschmidt Type-CLA
- Star Launcher, Soulcanon
- Single Star, Barrier Barret
- Star Hand, Fieldleader
- J. Star Saber
- Dragon Force, "Style of Binds"
- Leg Blade, Expel
- Star Hand, Arms Controller
- Twin Star, Jack & Fang
- Dragon Force, "Style of Future"
- J. Star Ring
- Star Saber, Asteroid
- Radiant Star, Linkage
- Cosmo Saber, Eternal Anthem
- Dragon Force, "Style of Justice"
- Cosmo Saber, Luna Zeele
- Star Saber, Reflection
- Blade of Stellar Deity, Viaraktear
- Single Star, Neo Medea
- Photon Saber, Auroright
- Dragon Force, "Style of Super Sun"
- Future Sword, Jackknife "Granthese"
- Photon Saber, Filament
- Espada Runar
- Buddy Police Agent Twin Star Gun, "Star & Brave"
- Twin Dragon Lance, Minehead
- Buddyfight Triple T "Gara"
- Soul Generator
- Uninvited Deity, -Inspector-
- Illusion of the Void Deity
- Space Elevator
- Star Jack Docking
- Mind Faker
- Buddyfighters Without Limits
- Star Believer
- Liberate Shoot
- Star Jack Destruction
- Star Jack Revival
- Into the future...
- Lua Nova
- Divine Guidance
- Future Astrology
- For the Future
- Buddy Police Order!!
- Vesper Barrier
- Dragonarms Pit
- Star Believer "Re:S"
- Poppin'Party
- Radiant Stream!
- The Radiant Guardians!
- Photon Edge Universe!
- Super Gravity Device, Graviton Generator
Size 0[]
- Meteorarms, Altoalizal
- Meteorarms, Vaishal
- Suspicious Craftsman, Gara
- Meteorarms, Gravidirge
- Meteorarms, Pisca Pisca
- Meteorarms, Nebulosa
Size 3[]
- Endeavor Star Deity, Tierkreis
- Hollowed Arms, Zodiac
- Star Deity Dragon, Zodiac
- Awakened Stardeity Dragon, Zodiac "X"
- High Eliminator, Zodiac
- Space-Time Distortion Dragon, Zodiac "if"
- Star Deity Combined Dragon, Zodiac "es"
- Star Deity Dragon, Zodiac "Re:B"
- Eventual Star Deity Dragon, Zodiac Nohva
- Deity Meteorarms, Azavoarl
- Brilliance of the Twin Star, Zodiac
- CHAOS Zodiac
BanG Dream! Girls Band Party!☆PICO[]
List of Star Support Cards[]
Legend World[]
- Brilliance of the Yellow Path
- Chosen Being
- Great Fate, Frozen Stars
- Shield of Knowledge, Tetra Vibrion
- Starfall Night
Size 0[]
Size 1[]
Size 2[]
Size 3[]
Dual Cards[]
- BP Agent Twin Star Gun, "Star & Brave" (Star Dragon/Hero)
- Espada Runar (Star Dragon/Legend)
- Future Astrology (Star Dragon/Legend)
Size 0[]
- "BP Agent" Nova Cemetery, Search Remnant (Star Dragon/Hero)
Size 1[]
- "BP Agent" Nova Dragoner, Safety Beacon (Star Dragon/Hero)
Size 3[]
- Deity Meteorarms, Azavoarl (Star Dragon/Legend)
- Star Deity Dragon, Zodiac (Star Dragon/Legend)